Elf-napped (A Filthy Dirty Christmas) Page 4
My sweet Clara whispers, “You look like you need to tell me something, El. Don’t be shy. Remember, it’s my first time, too.”
This feeling of trust has triggered so many emotions, I don’t know how to sort through them. I believe she speaks the truth. “My seed is going to be wasted before I’ve pleased you,” I tell her.
Slowly, a look of understanding comes across her face.
“Oh, El. That’s okay,” she breathes, again killing me with her radiant smile. “We’ve got so much time to make the half-elf babies.”
My whole being is flooded with relief and joy. I am not used to this attitude; our culture places so much value on efficiency that any wasted spend is frowned upon. “How do I love you more than I did one minute ago, Clara?”
Her big, hazel eyes go hooded, and she leans back away from me, pulling her sweater off over her head.
For the first time, I am presented with breasts, and they are a work of art. Clara’s are cradled in a swath of red lace with a holly leaf decoration.
“Festive,” I remark, unable to take my eyes away from them. My hands come back around to her front, and I caress her round curves, which yield under my touch. “Do you know how to take this off? There’s a latch in the front.”
I examine the simple closure and answer her literally. “Yes.”
She huffs out a small laugh. “Well, take it off then.”
Curious, I ask, “Is this a part of the foreplay, other than managing the clitoris?”
Again, her smile. It radiates through me. “You know, I’m starting to warm up to the way you talk. And yes. If you want me to be ready to take you, teasing my nipples will help.” As she says the words, she blushes in her innocence. I feel honored that she speaks so plainly with me without mocking my inexperience.
I swiftly remove the lacey thing that grips her round breasts together. Her breasts spill out before me, flushed, with nipples taut and tempting as two spicy ginger snaps. My cock aches to spill its load inside my queen, and I keep having to remind myself that there are no rules here.
My Clara may not love me, but she is as good as my wife once we mate.
I give in to the strange urge to touch and taste each nipple, memorizing the way these abundant curves feel against my palms. My people use these for nurturing babies only. But the pleasure this gives me, and the pleasurable moans she responds with, sends fire raging through my veins.
Needing to know more, I cup her mound again, noticing she’s absolutely soaked. An involuntary growl resonates in my chest. I want to be on top of her, to maul her with my mouth, to impale her on my cock. This woman is driving me mad with need.
“Clara,” I rumble, barely recognizing my own voice.
She nods. “Lay me down. It’s time.”
It takes no time at all to move us to the bed, where I watch my queen remove the rest of her strange underthings. My kilt tossed aside, I follow Clara’s gaze.
“Will you spread for me now, my lovely one?”
I hope she is not only going along with all of this just to appease me. There have been stories of elves who do not enjoy the fragment of a libido they are given. I would not want that for my queen. But when she spreads her legs for me, any doubt about her arousal dissipates.
“I’m ready,” she says, pulling me down on top of her.
Towering over her, I let my cock find its way home between her folds. I coat myself in her sweetness and allow her to guide the tip inside her cunt.
Just the tip is almost too big for her, and I stop, even as her muscles grip me.
“El, I know what you’re thinking. I can take it.”
“I must stretch you slowly.”
Again, I’m delighted at the sharing of more warm kisses with our tongues. Clara’s back arches off the bed, pushing me to drive deeper. I stretch her slowly, bit by bit, savoring every whisper, every moan, every whine. She bites down on her bottom lip as her eyes flutter close. I lean in and press my face against hers, feeling her warmth against my cheek. I stretch more. Her hot muscles clench, relax, and finally take all of me to the hilt. I groan in the pleasure and the pain of it; she’s almost too tight. I have no business fucking a human, but I cannot stop. Not when she wants me, needs me.
Her body relaxes and fits against me, and my heart is so happy that everything lets go. I spill my seed inside her, without the pleasure I know is required of me to give her.
“Gods. Clara!”
My cum fills her, and I clamor to find her sweet spot so she can have her release.
Through the awe and lovely stupor following my climax, my thumb searches for her clit. The way her face changes when I find it, and the motion of her writhing body under me, causes my cock to harden all over again.
I continue to nudge her along with my thumb and kiss her warm mouth until I feel a violent tremble take hold.
“El!” Her release rolls over her, and she grips me close, clasping her arms around me and pulling the full weight of me down on top of her.
We hold each other still like this for several breathless moments, only gazing into each other’s eyes. My hardness returns and my body takes over. I begin to thrust.
Clara smiles and arches into me, demanding more.
“I can’t believe you’re already hard again,” she murmurs.
The smirk is uncontrollable. “Told you, our species is highly efficient.”
Clara licks one swollen lip and says, “Oh, tell me more about the efficiency of your workshop, daddy.”
I’m trying to parse this request while my body acts on its own, thrusting in and out steadily.
“Well…well…you see… I’m sorry, what was the question, my queen?”
Her sweet laughter is accompanied by a firm grip of her sex, and my body rejoices.
Chapter Seven
So this is not a sex dream. Legolas never took the time to stretch me, nor did he pump me so hard in the end.
Good lord.
We sit together on the rug, wrapped in the most luxurious blankets that have ever touched my skin. My head rests in Eldrin’s lap as I gaze into the crackling fire.
His fingers play with my hair, and I might drift off to sleep any minute.
“I am confused about one thing, my queen.”
“I didn’t see any blood.”
It takes a second to realize what he’s saying, and then I know.
“Oh. That. Being a virgin doesn’t necessarily mean that the hymen isn’t broken. A lot of time, they break on their own. Sports, biking, groin injuries. And, well, toys.”
“Which toys?” Eldrin asks, confused. “I know many things about toys, despite not having been a toymaker in Nicholas’s workshop.”
I lift one eyebrow and turn my head to look up at him. “I’ll bet you do. I’m talking about toys for sex. Sex toys. You know, vibrators, dildos, the list goes on and on.”
Eldrin appears to be at a loss for words for the first time. “They make toys for that? Who makes those? Santa does not have those at his workshop, I can assure you.”
I laugh so hard at this I might throw up.
“What has happened? Are you ill?”
I continue wheeze-laughing, which turns into silently shaking and holding my stomach, which turns into crying.
“But what if I….” I shriek between gales of laughter, “What if I put it on my Christmas list… Hey Santa, I’ve been very good. Can I please have a clit sucker…”
I have lost control of my bodily functions, and Eldrin’s confusion just makes me laugh harder.
“I do not have any medicine for human hysterics, but I can offer you some tea.”
“Oh my god. I love you,” I say, wiping my eyes.
His face lights up. “Then this has been a successful meeting of the minds. I’m pleased that you love me in return.”
He sucks in a trembling breath.
The back of his hand dabs his cheek. “Why are my eyes leaking?”
I sit up and look at him in alarm and see what is happening.
“’ Good gods, why are humans so fragile?’” I say, in an imitation of him. “’Now, why are my eyes leaking?’ My dear sweet Eldrin. You have feelings. Do elves not cry?”
He swipes again at his face, and I melt as I see his chin tremble. “We cry over stories of great bravery and sacrifice. We cry when we grieve a loss. But I don’t understand this… I’m happy. I’ve never been this happy in my entire life, and yet I’m crying.”
Once again. I crawl into his lap. I kiss away the tears, kiss his tender lips, place a kiss on his forehead and wrap him in the tightest hug I can muster. “I call them the happy-sads. When you’re so happy, you don’t know what to do with yourself but emote. Does that help?”
“It’s true…and there is something else. One day, you’re going to die. Sooner than what is acceptable to me. And I will be alone.”
For this, I have no solution or good answer.
Because it’s true, I do love this haughty, strange creature in my arms. And it is equally unacceptable that we won’t grow old together on his terms.
I rub my hands over his arms and chest. “All I know how to do is enjoy the moments we have, then. And I’ll stay for as long as you want me to stay.”
He shakes his head. “You can’t leave even if I wanted you to leave. We are married now. We performed the bonding ritual.”
I pull back and study his face. “What do you mean, we are married now? You dick me, and we’re married? That’s not how it works, El.”
“I suppose I hadn’t made that clear enough. In my culture, we are married now. And it is very likely that we made a child. Or two. I lost count.”
“Excuse me?!”
He explains. “Every
release from me draws down another egg. May I remind you of our efficiency?”
I do the math in my head. “Are you saying that every time you nut in me, I could get pregnant? What if we did it eight times in a day?”
Eldrin beams at me. “Then I would be the proudest of all elves. No one has produced eight at once.”
I stand up, gripping the blanket around my nakedness. I hiss, “I would be the Octomom! I could die!”
My lover stands, alarmed. “Die? No.”
My arms flail, and I start to panic. “Did the sex manuals tell you about the mortality rate of women delivering multiples? Because I don’t know, but I think I need to look that up!”
Eldrin places his hands on my shoulders. “There is nothing to panic about yet. We only did it twice. We will abstain until after the baby is born. But as you are a human, I don’t know if the multiples thing applies here.” While he’s scratching his head, I pace the room.
I come back to face him. “Tell me, what exactly type of manuals have you been reading?”
“The educational ones.”
I nod, breathing slowly and calming myself. “No watching porn?”
He shrugs. “Screens do nothing for me. I suspect it’s why we do not create electronics in Santa’s workshops. The glow is harsh and offensive to our eyes. But I have access to any human books I want.”
I look around the place, which is devoid of books. “How do you get them?”
“This is where you will have to accept another layer of magic, but it may take some time to understand. We can speak to trees and plants, even dead ones. Books are made of wood pulp, and those trees still carry energy that speaks to other trees. I can read virtually anything made of paper just by communing with the trees. What’s the matter? You look skeptical, my sweet Clara.”
I shake my head. “No erotica?”
“I do not think so.”
“Not even romance?”
“What is romance other than what your dictionary says?”
I suck in a long breath. “Oh, honey. You need to go for a walk in the woods.”
Chapter Eight
This suggestion to take a walk might be part of a plot to run away.
My little snow bunny must know by now she cannot outrun me. Now that I’ve had her, there’s no other path for me. I’m keeping her.
I think she rather enjoyed herself, too, and I might be able to convince her to let me take her again soon.
Still, that glint in her eye is full of mischief. It’s both maddening and arousing. Clara confounds me at every turn.
So, I tell her she must accompany me.
“What do you mean, go with you?” she asks, wide-eyed and pouty. “I promise to stay put if you leave me here. It’s too cold out there, especially since you burned my coat in the fire.”
She makes me laugh. Her attitude changes when I produce a long, white robe. “That manufactured abomination does not belong in my world. This is what a queen wears. Besides, you do want to see some real magic, don’t you?” The long coat glitters in the firelight like fresh snow. I help her slip her arm into it; she gasps softly as the material brushes against her skin.
“I’ve never felt anything like this. Is it silk?”
“No,” I tell her. “It is elven made.”
The length of it reaches down to her ankles and wrists like it was measured precisely for her.
I smile as I watch her touch the fur lining the neck and the wrists. “This is magic. This feels softer than angora, and the stones and the beadwork … I’ve never seen patterns like this before,” she marvels.
Clara touches my heart. Seeing my world through her eyes is its own kind of magic. I’m looking at my queen, dressed in a robe fit for royalty. I scarcely feel I have the right to touch her, yet I can’t resist touching her soft cheek and pressing a kiss to her forehead. “You look like a proper snow queen,” murmur, in awe.
She smiles, spinning around and making the long cloak twirl about her. “Eat your heart out, White Witch.”
“Ah. Narnia. Confusing book. Lions would never survive in the snow, and witches, as a rule, do not turn people to stone out of revenge. Some strange Christmas mythology you humans have.”
She laughs but doesn’t argue. “You think that’s strange? Have you seen the Elf on the Shelf?”
The only thing keeping the bile rising in my throat at the mere mention of those vile little dolls is the fact that I’m gazing at my own personal goddess. “Abominations,” I growl. Moving this outing along, I produce a long sash of elven material and wrap it around Clara’s waist. The other end, I fasten around my hand.
“Am I a dog on a leash?”
I arch one eyebrow. “More like a skittish little snow bunny.”
Clara responds by making a big show about the injustice of it all. “Oh my. What a wicked elf you are.”
I squint down at her, letting her know that I’m not buying her song and dance. “Humans are indeed strange creatures.”
“No, it’s just me,” she replies. The quick wink she gives nearly compels me to postpone this outing in the woods and bend her over my knee. But this is for the sake of our relationship.
Gripping her hand in mine, we transition to the outside. I keep my eyes on her, thrilled at how shocked she is. We were in my hovel, and now we’re outside. No door. Just here, and then there. Where once there was a golden room glittering with fire and stones, and all the coziness and cheer of the holidays, is now an icy blue forest and a gusting wind.
I’d better make this quick.
Chapter Nine
Oddly, though the wind whips my face, the coat feels as if I’m utterly impervious to cold. This is a magic level of warmth.
Still, my nose hairs are beginning to stick together. “Okay, friend. Touch your tree, and let’s go home.”
Eldrin turns to me, a triumphant smile on his lips. “Home?”
I square my shoulders. “Well, it’s not as if you’re going to let me escape, so I meant your home. Wherever is warm is home. Let’s get on with it.”
I’m confused, but I follow as he touches one tree after another, muttering to himself.
“Are you lost? Don’t you have like a Dewey Decimal System of your…tree energy or whatever?”
“You do have so many questions.”
“About this brand new magical world you’ve kidnapped me into? Are you surprised?”
“Good point. I should have factored in how difficult the transition would be for you.”
That’s an unsettling word. “Transition?”
“You’re adaptation from your world to mine. I hadn’t thought that part through. I only knew you belonged to me. But I understand your happiness in this new life is essential, so I’ll do my best.”
Chuckling through my shivering, I say, “Like my grandmother used to say, ‘If Mama ain’t happen, ain’t nobody happy.’”
He blinks at me as his brain parses what I’ve said. “Your happiness is assured, my Clara. Perhaps later you can explain some of these interesting human sayings.”
Eldrin doesn’t give me any further reassuring looks or words. He only furrows his brow in concentration as he runs his hands along the bark of tree after tree.
“Ah. I found it. Now stay quiet while I read.”
I mutter, “Can you check these books out and take them home? Because my face is freezing.”
In response, Eldrin gives a rough tug to the sash connecting us, and my body slams against him. Keeping one hand on the old hardwood tree, he heats my entire face, fingers, toes—everywhere—with the warmth that radiates from his glowing skin. He’s like a walking space heater out in the freezing forest, a fact that isn’t quite as noticeable inside his cozy home.
Reluctantly allowing myself to mold against him, I whisper, “You’d better find one of those romances with a good grovel in it after telling me I ask too many questions.”
Eldrin’s face begins to change. A yellow glow shines against his cheek, casting him in a light that’s more brilliant than his already-luminous skin. I look for the source of it. I see that the radiance emanates from his hand resting against the tree. It’s glowing brighter than the rest of him at the moment.
“My Queen gives good advice. I see what I have done now. I have hurt your feelings. I am sorry.”